Category Archives: Suffering

But take courage, I have conquered the world.

It’s like Jesus knew we would have this awful HHS mandate forcing Catholic employers and religiously affiliated organizations who don’t require you to be Catholic in order to hire/serve you… to subsidize contraception and abortions.

It’s like Jesus knew that the orphaned, the hungry, the poor, and the mentally ill would face such an incredible amount of suffering, even 2,000 years after He told us to take care of them.

It’s like Jesus gave us desires in our hearts that we wouldn’t know how to properly fulfill… or for which we would have to wait… and wait and wait… and wait.

It’s like Jesus knew that in this post-Fall, post-Babel world, people would continue to disagree on objective truth, and the truth would be obscured in spin and hidden agendas.

It’s like Jesus knew that when we are HALTD, we make awful choices and suffer greatly from the results. (Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired, Drunk: your mnemonic device for when NOT to make a decision… stolen from an awesome seminarian.)

It’s like Jesus knew that even when we are trying to live the lives that He wants for us, we fail to be the best versions of ourselves, our impatience makes us settle for sin, and we are maligned — even by those for whom we care deeply.

It’s like Jesus knew we would have to watch young people make mistake after mistake, seeking truth, but being lied to over and over again by people who should be caring deeply for them.

It’s like Jesus knew that the consequences of the Fall would tear our society apart and make women, minorities, and young people feel worthless… and our pride would take us to greater and greater heights of inanity and gross behavior, especially towards our fellow human beings.

It’s like Jesus knew suffering…



To all those out there who, like me, find it difficult to watch or read the news most times…

Who constantly struggle with whether or not to un-follow and un-friend people you know and love who have stumbled off the straight and narrow either by being deceived or just plain not sharing your beliefs — but don’t do so because not only are you a sinner yourself, but you still hold some bit of hope that your prayers and love for them will have an effect…

Who sincerely cry about the evil in the world on a regular basis…

“In the world, you will have trouble, but take courage, I HAVE CONQUERED THE WORLD.”
~ John 16:33

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Posted by on February 1, 2012 in Fallen world, Suffering


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